How To Show Library On Mac El Capitan
Yes, Apple has decided that everything except the kitchen sink should be stored online in iCloud and accessed on your MacBook, or anywhere else you have access to iCloud: first it was your iTunes music library, then your Pages, Numbers, and Keynote documents, and now it’s your photographs and video clips! To turn the iCloud Photo Library feature on, click Photos → Preferences, click the iCloud tab, and click the iCloud Photo Library check box to enable it.
With iCloud Photo Library, your entire Photos Library is actually stored online, and everything in your Library is also accessible from other Macs and iOS devices like your iPad and iPhone. (Think “central storage house for everything visual that you can reach from anywhere with an Internet connection.”)
Aug 26, 2015 Click “Finder” icon on your Mac dock. Open Terminal. Terminal is a utility that provides access to the OS X El Capitan operating system. It can be opened in one of two following ways: Select “Applications” on the left side, then on “Utilities“, and double-click on “Terminal“. Open the OS X El Capitan Launchpad. December 22nd 2015: Method of showing/hiding hidden files tested and working on Mac OS X El Capitan. It seems like every day I search Google for the command to show hidden files on Mac OS X, not to mention Googling for the command to then hide those hidden files a few minutes later. Mar 12, 2015 Step 1: Open Finder. Step 2: Click Go → Home. Step 3: Click View → Show View Options. Step 4: Check Show Library Folder. Jan 12, 2020 With either the desktop or a Finder window as the frontmost application, hold down the option key and select the Go menu. The Library folder will be listed as one of the items in the Go menu. Select Library and a Finder window will open showing the contents of the Library folder.
- Jul 18, 2015 The 2 ways to access and open Library folder in OS X – El Capitan, Yosemite or any other OS X versions? The Library appears under Go once you hold the Option key. From Finder hold down the Option key, then choose Go Library. Show the Library Folder constantly in OS X El Capitan.
- Oct 24, 2019 After installation of the installer is complete, open the Applications folder on your Mac, then double-click the file named Install OS X El Capitan.
If you take a photo with your iPhone, for example, you’ll see it appear automatically within Photos — and if you’ve recently cropped and edited a photo to perfection with Photos, you’ll be able to retrieve that photo on any of your iOS devices or another Mac.
From the same iCloud pane in the Preferences dialog, you can choose to
store copies of the full-size images and full-resolution videos on your MacBook’s local hard drive (allowing you to edit or view the originals even when you’re not connected to the Internet).
store smaller size images and smaller-resolution videos on your laptop, but with the ability to retrieve the originals from the iCloud at any time (if you’re connected to the Internet).

Naturally, if you’re a photographer that needs constant, instant access to your original images, the first option is preferable (choose the Download Originals to this Mac option in the iCloud pane). However, if your MacBook’s drive is nearly full and you’d like to conserve space, the second option is very attractive (choose the Optimize Mac Storage option in the iCloud pane).
All this goodness is handled automatically, but there’s a catch: your entire Photos Library needs to fit within your free 5GB of iCloud storage, or you’ll have to pay a monthly subscription to get additional elbow room! (Storage subscriptions range from $0.99 a month for 20GB of space to $19.99 a month for a whopping 1TB of space.)
If you have only 3GB of photos, you may be able to use iCloud Photo Library without spending anything extra, but if your Photos Library is nearing 10GB in size, you would probably need to subscribe to take full advantage of the feature. The choice is yours, dear reader: if you decide not to use the iCloud Photo Library, rest assured that Photo Stream will still work as it did in iPhoto.
One by one, go to the /Library/StartupItems/ and /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folders, look for leftover startup items, and remove them. Go to System Preferences - Accounts - Login Items and find the item in the list for the application you want to remove. Delete application mac library. Then click on the “-” button to delete it from the list.
While many Mac users may never need to access their User Library folder while running macOS Sierra — some advanced users, may need to get in there and access support data and such when troubleshooting. The folder is hidden by default in macOS Sierra, but it only take a few moments to access it, or make it so that the folder is always visible.
Before we begin, we want to say that it’s usually a good idea to leave things in the users ~/Library folder alone, unless directed to by support personnel. The folder contains caches, application support data, and preference files, and if you screw around in there too much, you could really screw things up. We DO NOT recommend it. Now that our butts are covered, here’s how to find and display your User Library folder.
Opening the User Library Folder in macOS Sierra
If you just need to access the user ~/Library folder on occasion, you can get into it by using the Finder “Go” menu.
- From the Finder in macOS, (Click anywhere on the Desktop where there isn’t already an app window, and you should see “Finder” appear in the upper left hand corner of your display, up near the Apple icon), click the “Go” menu item, and then hold down the SHIFT key on your Mac’s keyboard.
- Click on “Library” in the drop-down list. (If you release the SHIFT key, the “Library” option will disappear from the menu. Now you see it, now you don’t.)
If you’re not much of a mouser, you can just hit the key combo of Command + Shift + L, and a Finder window will appear showing the ~/Library directory of the active user account.
Always Show the User Library Folder in macOS Sierra
If you are an advanced user, you might want to always display the user ~/Library folder in your user Home directory. It just takes a few clicks to enable this option.
- In Finder, go to the Users’ home folder
- Click the “View” menu and then click “View Options”
- Click the “Show Library Folder” option in the Settings options for the User home folder, as shown below.
Following the above steps will change the settings for only the current user. Any other users will also have to follow the above steps while logged into the machine.
How To Show Hidden Library Folder On Mac El Capitan
These steps also work with Mac OS X El Capitan and Yosemite. In earlier versions of OS X, a command line entry was required to perform the same magic.
Mac How To Show Hidden Library Folder
(Thanks to OS X Daily)