Mac C++ Dynamic Library Example

  1. This is the second post in a series on memory segmentation. It covers working with static and dynamic libraries in Linux and OSX. Make sure to check out the first on object files and symbols. Let’s say we wanted to reuse some of the code from our previous project in our next one.
  2. The following example shows how to set up a library for usage with QLibrary. For the function names to be resolvable, they must be exported as C functions (i.e., without name mangling) from the library. This means that the functions must be wrapped in an extern 'C' block if the library is compiled with a C compiler.
  1. C++ Dynamic Library Example
  2. Mac C Dynamic Library Example For Students
  3. Mac C Dynamic Library Example Template
  4. Dynamic Link Library Tutorial
  5. C# Dynamic Array

Loadlibrary(libname,hfile) loads functions from C shared library libname defined in header file hfile into MATLAB ®.The loadlibrary function only supports calling functions that are callable from C and header files that can be parsed by a C compiler. Functions written in C must be declared as extern 'C'. After you get the name of a library by using vcpkg search, you use vcpkg install to download the library and compile it. Vcpkg uses the library's portfile in the ports directory. If no triplet is specified, vcpkg will install and compile for the default triplet for the target platform: x86-windows, x64-linux.cmake, or x64-osx.cmake.


makelib is a generic cross-platform makefile for building C/C++/Objective-C libraries.
Its purpose is to ease the build process of libraries for cross-platform projects.

Available targets by system

Building on OSX, the following files will be produced:

  • Static library (.a): i386x86_64armv7armv7sarm64
  • Dynamic library (.dylib): i386x86_64
  • Mac framework (.framework): i386x86_64

On Linux:

  • Static library (.a): host architecture
  • Dynamic library (.so): host architecture

Note that on OS X builds, ARM libraries are obviously targeted for iOS.


Recommended project structure

You may use makelib as a submodule of your project.

You'll need a build directory with a specific structure, a directory with sources, a directory with includes and finally a Makefile with configuration options.

Here's an example project structure:

Configuration Makefile

A makefile containing configuration values for makelib is required.
Assuming the previous project structure and a C++ project, this makefile may look like:

Please read the section below for details about each configuration value.

Configuration values

The name of your product/project.

The name for the generated static library.
Note: always use a lib prefix.

The name for the generated dynamic library.
Note: always use a lib prefix.

The name for the generated Mac framework package.

The directory in which the dynamic library is intended to be installed.

The directory in which the Mac framework is intended to be installed.

The directory with include files.

The directory with source files.

The directory with resource files, link Info.plist.

The directory with unit test files, if any.

The file extension for your C source files (typically .c).

The file extension for your C++ source files (typically .cpp).

The file extension for your Objective-C source files (typically .m).

The file extension for your Objective-C++ source files (typically .mm).

The file extension for your header files (.h, .hpp, etc).

The project files to compile.
Note that you can use the GET_C_FILES function for convenience:

The unit test files to compile.Note that you can use the GET_C_FILES function for convenience:

The compiler to use (clang, gcc, g++, etc).

Any libraries to link with when building the project.
Eg: -lpthread -lz -lc++

Optimisation flags for the compiler (Os, O3, etc).

Let’s see quick tip to access the Library Folder in OS X Yosemite and El Capitan. Library folder contains root features such as fonts, Internet plug-ins, and other items used by apps that are available to all users of the Mac. Why Library Folder is hidden in OS X?This folder is should be hidden due to root level position in OS X. How to access library on mac el capitan.

Warning flags for the compiler.
Eg: -Wall -Werror -Wpedantic

The C language standard to use (c99, c11, etc).

C++ Dynamic Library Example

The C++ language standard to use (c++11, c++14, etc).

Any other flags to pass to the compiler.


Specific flags for the C compiler.

Erase an application and it will leave preference files left over in your Library folders. Most of the time, these files will use very little space and won’t cause a problem. The preferences will still be available on your Mac, too — this is convenient if you’re uninstalling an. Delete application mac library. Jan 12, 2020  The user's Library has long been a go-to location for troubleshooting issues with individual applications or components shared by multiple applications. If you haven't heard the refrain 'Delete the application's plist,' you either haven't been using a Mac for very long, or you've been lucky enough not to experience an application behaving badly.

Mac C Dynamic Library Example For Students

Specific flags for the C++ compiler.

Specific flags for the Objective-C compiler.

Specific flags for the Objective-C++ compiler.

BUILD_LEGACY_ARCHSBuilds legacy architectures (eg. i386 on macOS).
Note: define it before including

Demo / Example

Mac C Dynamic Library Example Template

You'll find a working example C project in the Demo subdirectory.


makelib is released under the terms of the MIT license.

C# Dynamic Array

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